Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Andrea and Fred's site on "the knot"

Taken from "":

Fred and I met at Rockefeller Center in New York on September 24 at approximately 5 or 6 am while we were standing amidst a crowd of people waiting to hear Sting perform songs for the Today Show. The conversation, which lasted all of 5 minutes or so, centered around the topic of favorite Sting albums, and I knew I had met my match when he agreed that The Soul Cages is Sting's masterpiece. Two months passed, when as fate would have it, I ran into Fred again outside The Beacon Theater (for another Sting concert, of course). We recognized each other, conversed with each other, and not 10 minutes later, met Sting together. The rest, as they say, is history.....


At 9/29/2005 12:13:00 AM, F.R.E.D. said...

Nice blog Erik! Here's mine:

You can add video to your blog by using
It's really easy. A classmate of mine from high school started castpost. You just upload your video to castpost and you link the video directly to blogger.

Let's see videos of the kids!



At 9/29/2005 08:41:00 AM, Erik said...

Fred, Thanks for letting me know about castpost... It rocks and man is it easy to push stuff to this blog from that site!

This is AWESOME! Andrea started a blog as well:

Later - E


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