Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Nix Your Clause and Get Out of Hempstead

Nix Your Clause and Get Out of Hempstead:

"Randy Lange explains why Heimerdinger's offset clause in his contract is so important for the Jets:

Here's why Heimerdinger's offset clause is key to this scenario: The clause states that if the Jets let him go, they would owe him only the money that a new employer doesn't pay him.

Fair enough. Yet if the Broncos were to hire Heimerdinger to replace Kubiak at, say, $100,000 a year, the Jets would be on the hook for the remaining $1 million of his 2006 contract.

Heimerdinger, you're a great offensive mind, and your 'who pissed in my cornflakes?' attitude was endearing last offseason. I want to see what you can do with the Jets, but if you are so upset over getting passed over, then please just waive this clause and find a new team, I beg you."



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