Monday, October 31, 2005

John Rozembersky's Bio

I found John's web site and was browsing around:

Here is his BIO:

John Rozembersky is CEO &
President of The Rozembersky
Group, Inc.

The mission for this firm is to be a
dedicated and total tangential flow
filtration (TFF) solutions provider to
the biopharmaceutical applications
market. John is internationally
recognized as a leading authority
for TFF in the Life Science
market. His hands-on experience
and in-depth knowledge for
filtration and purification, built over
the past 30+ years, spans process
applications from bench top to
large scale manufacturing.

Previously, John Rozembersky was
co-founder of a successful TFF
company, Filtron Technology
Corporation. For 10 years, Filtron
grew from a start-up company to a
$15 million worldwide leader in TFF
providing membrane products with
developed leading-edge
technologies. John’s initial
contribution as a founder was the
development of the core membrane
process and membrane chemistries
that produced the most extensive
line of UF and MF membrane TFF
products available by any one
manufacturing company.

In 1995, Filtron was acquired by
Pall Corp. and John remained on
as VP of Application and Technical
Support. His responsibilities
included directing technical support
and TFF technology transfer for
customers’ downstream purification
Throughout his career, John
focused his attention and resources
to defining, characterizing and
trouble-shooting scores of
applications in tangential flow
filtration in the pharmaceutical and
biotechnology markets. These
applications included: plasma
fractionation, vaccines, recombinant
proteins and cell harvesting
applications. He played a major role
in the design and installation of
complete sanitary process systems
for both upstream and downstream
purification schemes in the industry.
John supported, and often designed,
the validation process plans for TFF
necessary for the FDA approvals.
John is an esteemed lecturer on
topics covering all aspects of applied
principles and techniques used for
tangential flow filtration in biopharm

John’s experience in membrane
filtration and downstream purification
started where he began his
membrane-technology career with
Millipore. John was responsible for
membrane process development for
products that included both RO and
MF. After Millipore and before
launching Filtron, John worked at
Waters Associates as Director of
Engineering with responsibilities for
the process development and
technical support of the Chemical &
Media Division for Water’s high
performance chromatography
product line.

John completed both his BS and MS
studies in Chemical Engineering at
the New Jersey Institute of

Brewster Jennings Protects America: The global spy hunt game.

Interesting game that takes advantage of the Google maps API.

Brewster Jennings Protects America: The global spy hunt game.

This website is dedicated to people who hate the "iPod Revolution". They are raising money to buy an iPod, so they could go down to a store, buy it, and smash it right there on the spot in front of all the people.

Now I've seen everything! Jeeez... Can we say, get a better hobby!

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Carolyn - Teeth Update

I posted about 3 weeks ago that we felt a tooth in Carolyn's mouth. Well I was able to get a picture of it today! I've also noticed that another one has sprouted right next to it.

Halloween Pictures of the Kids

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Thursday, October 27, 2005

Update on Kieran McHugh Banning Blogs in School

Ok, so my theory is correct. The Story of Principal Kieran McHugh at Pope John XXIII Catholic High School is getting national attention. In my previous post yesterday, there were 9 articles on a google search. This morning has 104!

Number of Articles on a Google Search on This Topic:
10/26 - 9:00am - 9
10-27 - 8:44am - 104
10/27 -10:07am - 124
10/27 - 12:36am - 145
10/28 - 8:59pm - 165

Here is a link from Google to the results.

I've also kept my eye on blogs, and the same thing is happening there. It seems a new post shows up every 30 minutes. My next step is to now watch the television media to see how it will be reported. I'm sure McHugh will show up in interviews defending his stance, and I think he should. I don't necessarily agree with it, but there is no backing out now!

If you are reading this and would like to email me your opinion, new links, or information about this topic, please forward to:

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Wow, is this making National News? Pope Jonn H.S. in Sparta NJ

Wow, I was reading my google reader and a news feed came in that caught my eye. I saw something about the H.S. I graduated from in 1991. The article was on a popular web site, slashdot - Students Banned from Blogging.

Students at Pope John XIII, a Catholic high school, were told to take down their blogs from sites like Xanga and MySpace or face suspension. Rev. Kieran McHugh, the school's principal, said that he was trying to protect students from online predators. Not too surprisingly, free speech advocates got more than a little concerned.

I wonder if this is going to be a HUGE story around the country. I'm going to do some more research and post the links to more stories as I find them.

UPDATE - 11:38
Asbury Park Press Web Site: Principal curbs kids' Internet activity

ok, I did a search on Google News for "Rev Kieran McHugh" and found the following results. It made MTV, People Magazine, Inquirer, and various Local NJ papers. I'll keep my eye out, but this seems like this is only heating up!

I just read a blog that said that MTV just did a newsbreak today and told this story on the air! It's out! National News here we go!

I want to see if it makes The O'reilly Factor!

I also wanted to see how the blogging community is taking to this story so here are the search results and I've listed some directly that were interesting. Here are search results on McHugh.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Rock Star: Van Halen A No-Go

Van Halen have categorically denied rumours of their possible involvement in a second season of the reality TV show “Rock Star”. Though reported widely in the music press that a Rock Star: Van Halen announcement was imminent, the band has flatly squashed all rumours regarding their involvement.

The rumour began when a source close to the show told MTV News that Van Halen were already auditioning potential contestants for a second installment of the popular reality series. At first, the band’s spokespeople refused comment before clarifying matters with an official denial.

Rumours had also begun flying about the possible involvement of Seattle hard rockers Alice In Chains, though a spokesperson for Alice In Chains guitarist Jerry Cantrell firmly denied the possibility of them becoming involved.

So, the mystery continues…who will follow INXS and pluck a new lead singer from bar-band obscurity? Stay tuned and we’ll let you know (although only when the press release is officially official this time!)

Writer: Neil McDonald

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Rock Star: Van Halen?

I was outside my hotel, walking around in Disney and my cell phone's text message goes off. The message "MTV reports Van Halen ready for CBS". First thing I did, loaded that subject line in my search and pull up this story. Oh Yes, I'll be watching that! Only time will tell if CBS and Van Halen make it happen.... I guess that Sammy reunion last year was short lived. Well at least we got three new songs out of it...

Full Story

Monday, October 17, 2005

I'm in Orlando Florida at the Gartner Conference

I'm spending the week at Gartner Symposium ITxpo in Disney, Orlando FL. Check out my ManassyWatch Blog as I'll be posting to that all day as I'm keeping my notes and logs of things that I'm seeing down here.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Jets win! 14 - 12

Update from the Jets Game

@ the game: jets 0 - bucs 6

update: 10-13 - I made this post from my phone from our seats in the 2nd Quarter. I love technology.

Friday, October 07, 2005

NYJets DVD Cover: Week 4 - Ravens

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Bucs have no Respect for the Jets

....and why should they. This is the cartoon they are running on their site.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Jets - Sigh

Monday, October 03, 2005

Carolyn's First Tooth?

We have been noticing that Carolyn has been a little cranky the past couple of days. After a bath tonight, Norina said to me that she wonders why she is so cranky. I put my finger and rubbed her gums and noticed a tooth breaking the skin on the bottom front.

Once we got that tounge out of the way, we confirmed that a tooth is on it's way! We just looked at David's baby book, and his first tooth came at 9 months. Carolyn is 6 months old. I guess it's true about what they say about girls. They are Faster!

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Sunday at Ritter's Farm

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We took the kids to "Ritter's Farm" in Mt. Cobb, PA this afternoon. They have farm animals (sheep, cows, horses, goats, turkeys, rabbits etc.) for the kids to pet and feed. They also have an apple cider mill where they sell, duh, apple cider, all kinds of apples, cakes and other baked goods with apples.

David was so excited to see the farm, he was running all over the place. He was very excited when we went on the hay ride. When the tractor first started to move, he clutched my leg and moved closer to me. I was laughing, but then we warmed up once we started moving.

Carolyn was also excited to be on the tractor as she kept laughing and looking round as we krept along the farm and woods.

This was the second time we have been there, and both times were on georgous days as you can tell by the pictures. We are thinking of going back next weekend since the kids loved it so much.

Ritter's Cider Mill -

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Carolyn Likes Ellie the Elephant

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