Friday, November 18, 2005


Well, it has happened: The funniest television show EVER has been cancelled by the wonderful people at FOX and so must begin the painful mourning period in which I will ponder the existence of a world without ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT. Alas! I must suffer through an agonizingly slow death, in which the next few weeks will be AD free with only 5 more, new groudbreakingly hilarious episodes airing starting in December. I must say goodbye...(for now). PLEASE, HBO, PLEASE!

Rest in Peace:

Gob (George Oscar Bluth II): Even though the Alliance of Magicians has banished you, you will forever remain top banana in my book. I guess this is the final countdown, but here's hoping you segue onto another network. Goodbye, mon frere. (That means 'brother' in Spanish. I don't know why I know that. I took five years of German).

Buster Bluth: Oh, Buster. I've got to hand it to you, you have managed to survive the army, Lucille, Lucille II, and of course, a loose seal, all the while maintaining your mother/boyish charm. Lucille once hinted that you are her fourth least favorite offspring, and I have to agree with her. I'll be your brownish area with points anyday. Goodbye, brother.

Lindsay Bluth Funke: I think this says it all. Michael: "Come on, face it. You just do all this charity crap just to stroke your ego. You don't even know what the auction's for tonight." Lindsay: "The wetlands." Michael: "To do what with them?" Lindsay: "Dry them." Michael: "Save them. "


Erik said...

Oh Man! That sucks bad.... I love this show!

10:29 PM

~Angela~ said...

Oh, And, I am so sorry to hear about your loss. We unfortunately never got to revel in AD's hysterity- we couldn't handle the learning process involved. (You know, If ya missed one, ya miss all of it!) Hopefully another show will come along to whet your comic palatte, and until then, may peace be with you.

10:28 PM


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